Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Jiu Jitsu Athletes in Houston Explain the Top Benefits of Learning Martial Arts, PART 2

This three-part article series explains the many incredible physical, psychological and soulful benefits of mastering any form of martial arts.

Welcome to the second installment of this three-part article series on the many extraordinary advantages of martial arts classes as a form of fitness. In Part 1, we discussed the following (more obvious) benefits:

# 1: Get a killer body and become exceptionally fit
# 2: Learn to defend yourself

Now let's move on to the more esoteric benefits offered by karate, judo, kickboxing, kung fu, krav maga and jiu-jitsu classes to Houston residents.

The Benefits of Learning Martial Arts # 3: Inner Peace

The core philosophy of most forms of martial arts is to preserve peace, not only between yourself and the world around you, but also within yourself. Just think how many Jiu Jitsu Houstonsituations of conflict could be avoided if we were more patient, calm and centered. Most fights with friends, family, a spouse or that pushy person on the bus could be neatly sidestepped if we ourselves weren't already stressed to breaking point.

Martial arts, such as jiu-jitsu, emphasize the importance of fighting without passion and without anger. Meditation becomes an integral part of any lesson and this teaches students how to clear their mind and free their hearts of all burdens, including stress, anxiety, frustration and anger. As such, classes in your chosen form of martial arts can become extremely therapeutic, much like a session of yoga. The key difference here is that you can also channel pent-up frustration into the punching bag or your instructor! That way, you leave all of your negative energy behind you when you return home.

So the next time your spouse leaves his socks next to the bathroom sink or she makes you sit through one of her tedious soap operas, you'll have the patience to put up with it, making for a more harmonious home environment.

The Benefits of Learning Martial Arts # 4: Build Confidence and Put an End to Bullying

Bullying and intimidation are major problems in all Houston schools. An effective way to deal with this problem is to equip our students with the skills necessary to defend themselves against other, more aggressive kids. It doesn't matter how Martial arts Houstonsmall or frail a child might be. Just about all forms of martial arts and especially jiu-jitsu and its Brazilian counterpart teach students how to use their opponent's weight, size and strength against them, so it doesn't matter if the school bully is bigger and stronger than your kid. He or she should be able to defend him or herself and get away safely.

While we don't condone violence in schools, sometimes it takes a quick, sharp punch to the nose or an embarrassing trip-up in front of their friends to send out a loud and clear message to all school bullies: I am not to be messed with! Martial art classes provide Houston residents, and especially kids, with greater self-confidence, which can prove invaluable in a hostile school environment.

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the final installment of this three-part article series to learn more about the many incredible benefits of mastering a form of martial art in Houston, such as Jiu-jitsu.

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