This four-part article series provides a comprehensive FAQ guide to kickboxing and why it is this martial art form has become so immensely popular across the United States.
Welcome to the second installment of this four-part FAQ guide on kickboxing as a popular form of martial arts in Las Vegas. Let's get straight back into the questions.
FAQ: If I take up kickboxing classes, will I actually have to spar or fight?
Las Vegas Kickboxing Instructor: "Absolutely not. While it is important to match your techniques against an opponent so that you can learn how to improve, or how to apply your skills to a real world
situation, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Many students of kickboxing only wish to improve their fitness, so they come to learn the skills and techniques and to run through the rigorous training without ever actually fighting.

Just be prepared though: you're probably going to want to give sparring a go after a few months of kickboxing! Direct and violent hits and kicks aren't typically allowed in practice rounds, so talk to your instructor about the rules and regulations and about whether he or she thinks you are ready."
FAQ: How dangerous is kickboxing training?
Las Vegas Kickboxing Instructor: "As with any sport and particularly combat sports, there is always the risk of injury, but not from the cause you might expect. Most injuries in kickboxing happen because someone is trying to pull off a difficult move, or they haven't warmed up sufficiently, or they don't fall correctly. Sparring, on the other hand, is closely supervised and there are many rules and regulations for contestants to follow. As such, fewer bad injuries actually happen during fights, although they do happen. The take-home message is that kickboxing training is no more dangerous than a sport such as tennis, and yet it is probably safer than contact sports like rugby and football."
FAQ: Can I take up kickboxing even if I have an injury?
Las Vegas Kickboxing Instructor: "Most Las Vegas residents bear some kind of injury they received months, years or even decades ago,
so don't let it hold you back. If you are able to be physical and if your doctor has given you the green light on rigorous exercise, there is no reason for you to limit yourself and not take up kickboxing. In fact, the kind of training offered by this form of martial arts might actually see you on a shorter road to rehabilitation and recovery! Make sure you explain your injury to your instructor and pace yourself; work around it."

FAQ: Are there many women in kickboxing?
Las Vegas Kickboxing Instructor: "Oh yes! Nowadays, most kickboxing classes in Las Vegas are split down the middle in terms of male to female ratio. Actually, there may very well be more women because of a greater desire for self-defense skills. So, if you're a woman, you'll find yourself in good company!"
Stay Tuned for Part 3
Tune in again next week for the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide and to read the answers to more of your questions about kickboxing!
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